Teen Motivation for Learning During COVID 19 and Impact on Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the way that teens are learning, with many schools and universities transitioning to online learning as a way to slow the spread of the virus. This has presented a number of challenges for teens and young people.

One major challenge is that online learning can be less engaging and motivating than in-person learning. Without the personal interactions and social connections that are present in a physical classroom, it can be difficult for teens to stay focused and motivated. Additionally, online learning can make it harder for teens to ask questions and receive feedback from their teachers, which can make it more difficult for them to fully understand the material.

Another challenge of online learning for teens is that it can be harder for them to manage their time and stay organized. Without the structure and routine of a physical school day, teens may find it more difficult to stay on top of their assignments and manage their workload.

Other challenges include technical difficulties, difficulties adjusting to online communication, and the lack of access to resources and help, making it harder for some students, especially in communities where not all students have access to a stable internet, computer, or a quiet place to study.

It is also important to note that the impact of online learning during the pandemic has not been equally distributed, some students have been affected more than others, like those who have low socio-economic backgrounds, students with disabilities, and students who are English Language Learners, among others.

Overall, the shift to online learning has presented a number of challenges for teens, and educators and parents need to be aware of these challenges and take steps to support teens in their learning during this difficult time.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also had a significant impact on the mental health of teens and young people, including on their self-esteem. The sudden and unexpected changes to daily life, such as school closures, social isolation, and restricted social activities, have made it difficult for many teens to maintain a sense of normalcy and predictability.

Social isolation and restricted social activities can be especially challenging for teens, who rely heavily on social interactions and connections to build and maintain their self-esteem. The lack of opportunities for face-to-face interactions with friends and peers can leave teens feeling isolated and lonely, which can contribute to feelings of low self-worth.

Additionally, the changes to the school schedule and the transition to online learning can also negatively impact teens’ self-esteem, particularly those who have difficulties adjusting to online learning and those who rely heavily on social interactions with their peers, it can be harder to keep up with the class, harder to access help and harder to have a sense of belonging and feeling valued.

Furthermore, financial difficulties and job loss can also strain family relationships, which can create stress and anxiety for teens. This added stress and anxiety can contribute to feelings of low self-esteem.

It is also important to note that the pandemic is not impacting everyone equally, some teens might have been affected more than others, depending on the level of stressors they’ve been exposed to and their coping mechanisms.

Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented significant challenges for teens in terms of maintaining self-esteem. It’s important for parents, educators, and mental health professionals to be aware of these challenges and take steps to support the emotional well-being of teens during this difficult time.

How to RAISE Our Teen Girls to Become Empowered Women- Podcast

Join Linda Patten and me, as we explore the teen self-esteem space, my RAISE system, and how my book has been adapted to the stage.

*Low self-esteem, poor body image, lack of self-respect, being bullied and bullying – all disempowering conditions for girls to battle in their adolescence. “Dr. Carol” shares her expertise in and passion for helping women and girls overcome some of the issues that hold them back from excelling confidently. We women all have a stake in learning from Dr. Carol how to support these girls become our future empowered women leaders!




How to Tell Your Parents- You’re Being Bullied

Most teens don’imagest want to tell, worry or burden their parents when they are bullied, so they keep it inside. You should tell your parents every time and any time you feel you are the victim of bullying. Just because you can “handle” the bullying situation, doesn’t mean you should have to. I know it may seem scary, but you have to tell an adult. If not a parent, then maybe a teacher you trust. How do you bring it up? Sometimes that can be the hardest part. Find a time when you have your parents’ full attention. Maybe this is while you are driving in the car with them, eating dinner, or taking a long walk. Think about what to say beforehand so when you tell them you won’t get too nervous and forget everything. If you aren’t sure how to start the conversation, say: “I need to tell you something that I’m nervous about and it’s important.” I guarantee your parents will pay close attention. It’s OK if you get upset while telling them. If you want to tell a teacher instead, that’s OK too. Maybe after school when the rest of your class is gone you can ask to speak with them. Again, practice what you want to say. If it helps to bring a friend along for support, that’s OK too.

I can’t stress this enough, don’t avoid the issue for too long. This can lead to you minimizing the severity of the situation and adapting to the poor treatment. Some teens build a defense mechanism around the issue to avoid it. They pretend that it isn’t actually happening. Does pretending really help? No. The bully will continue. Remember, avoiding any situation doesn’t help. Stand up for yourself when dealing with a bully.  Protect yourself; demand that the bullying stop. Say something early on. Don’t “accept” it. That’s not a healthy way to cope!

Now if your friend is the one being bullied, what can you do? Well, a lot of things. You can tell your friend that you are there for him or her. If the bully isn’t violent, you can confront the bully together. Show the bully you aren’t taking it anymore. Or, maybe if your friend is just too scared by the bully, you can tell a teacher on his or her behalf. Some teens just don’t know what to do. Be a good friend and do something.

Bottom line— Tell a parent or tell a teacher, but don’t let it continue.