Attention Parents of College-Bound Teens!


Is your daughter or son a junior or senior in HS? Have you gone through the painful college tour process? Does it all seem a blur?  I’m Dr. Carol and I’m looking to interview parents of college-bound teens who have gone through the college tour process.

If you are willing to give me 30 minutes of your time, I will give you 30 minutes of my time for free.  As a former Director of Admissions and Dean of Admission, I can help you navigate the college process from acceptance and freshman year to budget planning and academic time management.

If interested in being part of my study and a free 30-minute college planning session, please contact me @  or leave me the best way to reach you in the comments section. I will work around your schedule.

Thank you,

Dr. Carol

When is the Best Time to Visit a College Campus?

I’ve noticed that families tend to visit campuses during the summer and winter breaks. The problem with visiting campuses during both these times of year, is that typically students aren’t around, classes are not in session and therefore faculty are gone as well. If you visit during this time of year, you will probably only have the opportunity to meet with the admissions staff and possibly a few students that work for the admissions staff. When you visit during this time of year you only see the shell of the institution. I suggest visiting during your high school breaks or long weekends, which tend not to coincide with college vacations. That way you get to see the colleges in full force and not just the shell…..but the heart, mind and soul. This will give you a better sense of facilities, dining hall options, dorms, parking, community life, academics and student activities. I also suggest breaking up the visits over an extended period of time.  So rather than visiting 3 or 4 schools in one week, why not visit 6 to 10 schools over a period of  6 months. That way you won’t feel rushed, you can make the most of the visit and can more easily take in the information and the experience.

Must sees while on a campus:


Campus tour

Admissons interview

Dining Hall

Meet a student in your major


Meet faculty in your major or attend one of their lectures